Descendants of the Doolittle Raiders visited Quzhou, Zhejiang province, from Tuesday to Thursday to commemorate a rescue of their downed fathers in an emergency landing in 1942.
An international trade delegation visited Quzhou in eastern China's Zhejiang province from Tuesday to Thursday to seek trade and investment cooperation.
Two enterprises from Quzhou in Zhejiang province presented their product offerings Tuesday at the first China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) in Beijing, seeking opportunities to go global.
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嵊州市 | 屯留县 | 纳雍县 | 沛县 | 元朗区 | 常宁市 |
万全县 | 周宁县 | 开平市 | 富宁县 | 紫金县 | 苍溪县 |
原平市 | 宁河县 | 濮阳县 | 交城县 | 西林县 | 广平县 |